Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday TwiHard Report

51 days and counting until New Moon and 3 new(ish) movie posters have been released!

The images themselves seem to just be new manipulations of previously released promo images, but for the most part, an improvement. Especially the Volturi poster which looks less Disney-ish than the individual promo pictures. Is it just me though or does Edward's head seem disproportionately large? I can't tell if it really is or if the longer I look at it, the more I convince myself it is. Hmm. I kind of want a wolf pack of my own too.

News I'm VERY excited about, the New Moon soundtrack can finally be pre-ordered on iTunes!

The iTunes version of the soundtrack comes with  4 (FOUR!) bonus tracks, all of which are new and exclusive to the iTunes version AND the video for Death Cab For Cutie's "Meet On The Equinox." Plus, when you pre-order the iTunes version, you can immediately download a track from the soundtrack, Anya Marina's "Satellite Heart." Twilight Examiner has all the gory, glorious details!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some frantic pre-ordering to do. Momma needs her soundtrack FIRST THING IN THE MORNING on 10/20!  Patience is for people who aren't me.

ADDENDUM: I preordered my copy and "Satellite Heart" does NOT disappoint. If this song is any indication, I'm going to have to be even more tissue-prepared for this movie than I first believed!

New Britney Spears Single

"3" Just because...


Monday, September 28, 2009

Ooook, The Haunted Airman

So, I watched it. It being The Haunted Airman, starring pretty pretty Rob Pattinson. It wasn't terrible. It was..well...a head scratcher.  The most baffling point being why this was rated R? Does the BBC rate things FAR differently than the MPAA? The scariest part of this movie was the idea of a world where RPattz can't function from the waist down.

Let's examine the pros and cons of The Haunted Airman:

Too many spiders. Spiders crawling on Toby (RPattz) was the creepiest image in the entire movie. I generally hate spiders but them messing up that mug is even worse.

English subtitles I could not get rid of. English subtitles ON AN ENGLISH MOVIE.

The building is a seemingly neverending Escheresque maze of stairs, and yet Rob's character seems to navigate it with ease...in a wheelchair.

Yet another movie shot with filtered color. Will we ever see Rob in full Technicolor outside Goblet of Fire?

Toby's nickname is "Juggler", which just makes my inner 12 year old giggle.

Toby's creepy infatuation with his Aunt, only by marriage, yet still creepy.

The ending, which I won't spoil, left me with a seriously unsatisfied "whaaaaaa" feeling.

There is only one bathtub scene.


There is a bathtub scene.

There are several partially clothed massage scenes.

Lots of jaw porn...profile porn...hand porn...

The accent, OH the accent.

If the tobacco industry was smart they'd be using Rob for marketing. I've never seen anyone make a disgusting habit look more graceful or hot. It's so wrong, yet so right.

I eagerly await a period drama starring Rob. Between the voice, the accent, the face and the costumes, I'd be first in line.

Toby's relationship with his aunt, though creepy, is cougarlicious.

The entire movie is worth a watch just to watch Rob's mouth move. Several times I caught myself focusing on that instead of the plot (still trying to figure out exactly what the plot was anyway.)

Go ahead, pile these on your scales and decide if it's worth your time. I'm guessing if you're reading this though, 70 minutes of RPattz would probably get you through Weekend At Bernie's 2.

Friday, September 25, 2009

9/25/09 Earworms

Here's what's burrowing into my ears this week:

Blue Eyes - Mika
(I'm bananas for this song, totally and completely bananas)

Touches You - Mika
(Do yourself a favor and just buy the entire "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" album)

Touch - Alanis Morissette
(I've had weird emo moments this week)

Blackie's Dead - Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson
(Don't even like ScoJo but I like this song)

Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt 3: Redemption - Muse
(This song made me tear up like a sissy girl)

Off That (Featuring Drake) - Jay-Z
(I DARE you not to shake your ass to this one. DARE. I'm shaking my ass just thinking about it.)

Ruby Blue - Roisin Murphy
(I enjoy dancing around to this while drying dishes, no idea why)

Read Between The Lines - KSM
(Fun, poppy, No Doubt-esque free download from iTunes)

The Wind - All American Rejects
(Again with the emo moments)

Pop Goes The World - Gossip
(Shake it some more. I'm either dancing or moping this week. I'm a mess, it's true.)

Too Fake - Hockey
(excellent song to strut around to while getting ready to go out)

Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups
(This song begs to be in a movie)

This Is How It Feels - The Veronicas
(I love me some Veronicas)

Friday TwiHard Report

I can't decide if I'm suffering from vamp burnout or there just hasn't been much worth talking about the past few days. Perhaps a little of both. There was such an onslaught and now it's back to a trickle. There have been some little morsels of news but there are so many sites that handle the daily Twilight minutiae so much better than I, and nothing has really stirred a reaction in me.  The exception being the Breaking Dawn will it happen, will it not happen, will it happen in 1 or 2 movies blather. I had heard long ago this was a done deal, at least for one movie, then no...it wasn't confirmed. Anyone that thinks ANYONE is going to just ignore the last book and the cash cow it presents is an idiot.

That being said, things seemed to have moved back to the "confirmed' column with the securing of Melissa Rosenberg to write the Breaking Dawn script. Rosenberg is responsible for the other 3 Twilight Saga scripts, making her a natural choice. However, the one movie or two seems to still be a sticking point. The Awful Truth hints that 2 movies are in the works. My personal preference would be 2 just to get in all the chaos of the Breaking Dawn, but others disagree and think a lot of fluff can be cut.  I'll say this, if the juicy Bella & Edward scenes are cut in any way, I will be the one cutting someone. If anything, I want more. It's the payoff of 80 bazillion pages.

Adding fuel to the Breaking Dawn fire is this interview posted by Twilight Examiner of Ashley Greene saying she believes Breaking Dawn will be filmed soon, stating as we all understand, THEY CAN'T AGE! When you're already dealing with actors in their 20's for the most part, playing immortal teens...time is of the essence.

Just a side note, I seem to be incapable today of typing Breaking Dawn without mistakingly typing Braking Dawn first. That's a different story altogether now isn't it? I'm picturing something along the lines of Smokey & the Bandit featuring a street savvy but vulnerable truck driver named Dawn. Hmm...might have something there...I call dibs on that plot.

Finally, just because they amuse me...New Moon dolls action figures are now available through Hot Topic. Make of them what you will, but Edward doesn't sparkle, nor does he vibrate, so what's the point really?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do It Yourself Twilight

This post is mostly for my own laziness. Some person, far more industrious than I, figured out the exact order all the tracks from both the Twilight score and soundtrack fall in the movie, including the Radiohead track played in the closing scene that is not on the soundtrack.  I have this as a playlist in my iTunes, so every time I've been asked for it, I've had to retype it. Putting it all in one location makes it easier on me, and fun for you.

You will need: Twilight Motion Picture Soundtrack (With Bonus Tracks), Twilight Motion Picture Score, and 99 cents to buy one Radiohead track off iTunes if you don't want the full album (even though it's great). The soundtrack tracks are denoted with (ST) and the score with (SC) because I love to code crap. And awaaaaaaaaay we go!

How I Would Die – Carter Burwell (SC)

Full Moon – The Black Ghosts (ST)

Who Are They – Carter Burwell (SC)

Eyes On Fire – Blue Foundation (ST)

Phascination Phase – Carter Burwell (SC)

Tremble For My Beloved – Collective Soul (ST)

I Dreamt Of Edward – Carter Burwell (SC)

Treaty – Carter Burwell (SC)

I Caught Myself – Paramore (ST)

Humans Are Predators – Carter Burwell (SC)

Never Think – Robert Pattinson (ST)

I Know What You Are – Carter Burwell (SC)

The Skin Of A Killer – Carter Burwell (SC)

The Most Dangerous Predator – Carter Burwell (SC)

The Lion Fell In Love With The Lamb – Carter Burwell (SC)

Spotlight (Twilight Mix) – Mutemath (ST)

Complications – Carter Burwell (SC)

Dinner With His Family – Carter Burwell (ST)

La Traviata – The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (ST Bonus Track)

I Would Be The Meal – Carter Burwell (SC)

Clair de Lune – The APM Orchestra (ST Bonus Track)

Bella’s Lullaby – Carter Burwell (SC & ST)

Supermassive Black Hole – Muse (ST)

Nomads – Carter Burwell (SC)

Stuck Here Like Mom – Carter Burwell (SC)

Bella Is Part Of The Family – Carter Burwell (SC)

Tracking – Carter Burwell (SC)

In Place Of Someone You Love – Carter Burwell (SC)

Showdown In The Ballet Studio – Carter Burwell (SC)

Let Me Sign – Robert Pattinson (ST Bonus Track)

Edward At Her Bed – Carter Burwell (SC)

Go All The Way (Into The Twilight) – Perry Farrell (ST)

Flightless Bird, American Mouth – Iron & Wine (ST)

15 Step – Radiohead (In Rainbows)

Leave Out All The Rest – Linkin Park (ST)

Decode – Paramore (ST)

There you have it. I pray someone will do this for New Moon as well, this playlist has saved many a crabby morning commute.

PS, Carter Burwell did not score New Moon, the torch, like the directors, was passed to Alexandre Desplat, although some of Carter Burwell's material will be used.  Twilight Examiner was kind enough to send me this info on Alexandre Desplat.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Tada! Advance copy! The release date is 10/13/09. Score.

The Haunted Airman, starring my favorite puma prey!

I am not at all pleased with the number of spiders featured on the cover alone, these things usually don't bode well for little ole' arachnophobic me, but at the same time it holds the promise of such magical things:

Let's face it, if there was anything that was ever going to cure me of my fear of spiders, it will be a half nekkid Rob Pattinson. If he would only go the full monty, I'd be cured of everything forever.

I am volunteering myself to give The Haunted Airman a whirl and report back!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday TwiHard Report

Oh, so it's going to be one of those days is it? Fine, I see how it is...and I LOVE IT!  New stills from the dream sequence of New Moon. I swear if this movie turns out to be even a fraction as beautiful as what we've seen so far, my offer to Chris Weitz to be his baby momma stands.

Never have I ever wanted to be a makeup brush so badly

So beautiful it hurts my heart

4 more months until I officially comment on this one

More details on the scene and the full gallery of still photos at Twilight Examiner


The New Moon soundtrack list c'est arrive! I wander away for SECONDS and it shows up!
















(Thanks to @KStew411 and @lizconno for their unparalleled detective skills)
Note:  Ok Go? I will have to trust you on this. The rest, thumbs up, I'm even more excited now. Happy Bon Iver and Band of Skulls both made it.

New Moon Soundtrack: A Hit & A Miss

Things are subject to change in the wonderful world of Twilight. There is a reason I try to stress most things are "alleged", because usually 30 seconds after I post them, they either update or change completely. Case in point: the full track list for the New Moon soundtrack was SUPPOSED to be released this past Friday. Allegedly. Friday has long since come and gone, and still, no list. I can't be too up in arms about this, since the soundtrack in it's entirety is out next month (allegedly) so we will all be privy to the information soon enough. The Pollyanna-blue sky-sunshine part of my brain tells me this is all just to ensure the soundtrack is the very best fit for the movie it can be. The cynical-knows-the-music-industry-better-than-that is cackling.

Yet, there is New Moon soundtrack news! The rumored Muse contribution seems to have (allegedly) come to fruition in a reworking of a track from their new "The Resistance" cd. According to Mtv.com, Muse has been asked to, and agreed to, remix "I Belong To You/Mon Couer S'ouvre a ta Voix" (I included the French just to be fancy) for the soundtrack. I love this song, however after reading all the hype of keeping the soundtrack "acoustic" with a lot of "a capella singing" to fit the tenor of the movie, it leaves me scratching my head and wondering, "I Belong To You"? Really? Not one I would have guessed. The song certainly brings the drama, but changes tempo several times and I'm still trying to figure out the majority of the lyrics since it goes all en Francais at the end. "Remix" can mean a lot though. I anxiously await the results.

Also noted in this article, the full soundtrack list is now to be posted on http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/ today. Allegedly.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Because He's Chuck Bass

I'm just full of words today, what can I say? That, and this has been weighing on me since the new season of Gossip Girl debuted on Monday.  I waited for Chuck Bass all summer. I waited for Chuck Bass' crazy ass fashion ALL SUMMER. The best I got this episode were some mixed, but still color coordinated, patterns?

SNOOZE!!! Chuck Bass, still hot...but half the fun is what he's wearing. The other half is him being a womanizing, conniving, womanizing, arrogant, womanizing mother chucker and now that he's paired up with Blair (which I kind of love, don't get me wrong) we aren't getting that either! Taking both halves of fun away equals zero fun. I hate math.  To illustrate, oh grand poobas of Gossip Girl, what I want, what I really, really want:

Exhibit A:

If you must put Chuck in a suit, please make it purple. "Why do you wear so much purple?"

Exhibit B:

I dare you to find another person on the planet that can rock yellow pants like this. I DOUBLE DOG DARE YOU!

Exhibit C:

I'm almost positive Ed Westwick had to have lost a bet with the stylist to put this on. It's hideous. Hideously AWESOME. It's so ridiculous it makes my day. Plus, I get to see Ed Westwick's legs.

So, I'm willing to let a one off boring episode, just please don't make it a habit. Because, he's Chuck Bass.

Another Glee-ful Tidbit!

Due to the popularity of the first Matthew Morrison morsel I posted, my crack team of investigators (a.k.a. my friends) searched out another gem for everyone! Woot!

Le sigh.

Thursday TwiHard Report

I told you the New Moon soundtrack news was rolling now! The full soundtrack track list is expected to be announced tomorrow (11/18).  Thom Yorke, Bon Iver, Band of Skulls and Death Cab For Cutie are definites with several more artists rumored. All the music on the soundtrack is new and some artists were even shown rough footage from the movie as inspiration. More on the soundtrack and how the Twilight franchise is changing the face of movie soundtracks over at Twilight Examiner.

Bath & Body Works jumped on the Twilight bandwagon this week with the release of their new "Twilight Woods" scented lotion and candle. The scent is described as 'inspired by a romantic walk through an enchanted woods". B & B W also carries the new DuWop Twilight Lip Venom.

If you're looking for some truly wonderful Twilight themed bath & body and home products, I highly recommend Essence of Twilight products. Essence of Twilight offers body sprays and lotions (and soon shower gels) in an array of fragrances based on Twilight characters. I'm a diehard fan of Bella (freesia & lavender) and Alive (citrus floral) and have reordered again and again. Edward (honey, lilac & sun) is also kept on standby around my house. They now offer 4 room/linen sprays as well in Forks, La Push, Meadow and Isle Esme. I have all four and they all smell amazing and true to life. In fact, I haven't tried one Essence of Twilight product I DIDN'T like.  The added benefit is that these are all hand blended and produced by 2 Twilight fan moms, not some big corporation. Essence of Twilight products are available from Etsy.com

One last fun fact from Twilight Examiner: The New Moon premiere will take place during a new moon, while Eclipse is scheduled to premiere during an eclipse!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Moon Trailer Mashup!

Thanks to people with a far better skill set than I, we now have 6+ minutes of New Moon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday TwiHard Report

The countdowns to New Moon (65 day) and the New Moon soundtrack (34 days) are heating up, but Team Jacob (and Team Jacob curious) fans can start crossing off the days until the release of "Eclipse" with this new 2010 Taylor Lautner calendar!

It would seem that no new or even very RECENT pictures of Taylor were used for this because I certainly expected something more like these:

I guess we'll have to wait for 2011 for that? Which is fine because he'll be 18 by then and this might not feel SO DAMN CREEPY.

With just those 34 days between us and the New Moon soundtrack, the information floodgates are creaking open. Death Cab For Cutie trickled out, followed by news of a potential Muse track and now The Used have announced they've recorded an original song for the soundtrack entitled, "For You I Would." I'm getting excited, so glad I can get my hands on the soundtrack next month, it helps with the wait for the movie. Now gimme, gimme, gimme!  Please?

Finally, thanks to http://www.twifans.com/ for posting another installment of funny Twilight pictures. I've spent a better part of the day laughing at them and trying to pick one to post. You can see them all here. The pet cactus one made me snort, but in the end I chose this one:

I lied...I had to post the pet cactus one too. Shhh.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday TwiHard Report

So...the "extended" New Moon trailer at the VMA's. Did you see it? If you didn't...well...you didn't miss much. A millisecond more shirtless Edward makes for a happy girl, but a little more Jacob chatter and a close up of an empty Cullen lunch table? Ooh, yay. HOWEVER! This is not to say I'm not deeply appreciative of this third trailer! Heck no! I've only watched it several times. Oh fine, several dozen times. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE. So much so that I bought my ticket for the 12:45 am show on release night. Excellent use of a day off I must say. 66 days to go!

Also on the VMAs (MTV + Twilight = True Love 4-EVA!), the debut of the full first song from the "New Moon" soundtrack, Death Cab For Cutie's "Meet Me On The Equinox". I thought it was supposed to be the video, but if you can find it on Mtv.com you are better than I. However, the always reliable Twilight Examiner has the full song at least. I like it...I think it fits the tone of the movie and if I were a betting woman I'd probably put it somewhere near Bella trying to save Edward, although I suppose it could be a breakup song, but listening to the lyrics, I stick with my guess.

Allegedly, Muse is also in talks to be included on the "New Moon" soundtrack. Muse, Stephenie Meyer's favorite band, was on the "Twilight" soundtrack with "Supermassive Black Hole" (my ringtone BTW).  The song would be pulled off the band's new cd "The Resistance", out tomorrow (11/15).  I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of "The Resistance," and I'm begging...PLEADING...CRYING for the chosen song to be "Exogenesis: Symphony, Pt 3: Redemption" Insanely long title, beautiful song. This piano driven ballad moved me to tears the first time I heard it and would be perfect for the reunion of Edward & Bella. Fingers, toes and other bits crossed! More in Muse's words here...

The "New Moon" onslaught continues with merch merch merch! Hot Topic has unveiled some of their "New Moon" merch, such as this shirt:

Have I mentioned my utter hatred of "face" t-shirts? :::shudder::: Thankfully, this one is slightly more palatable:
I say, scratch both and start saving for a pair of "Twilight Saga" themed, custom painted Chuck Taylors! You can choose a design and pick your own quotes or commission a custom pair. I'm accepting donations, since I will need 4 pairs to get all the quotes I want. I figure one pair, 2 quotes per book?  Sure. They aren't cheap, but I love them:
Should you want a pair of these beauties for yourself, or if you want to surprise me with a pair (I take a 9.5), take a wander over to http://www.punkyourchucks.com/twilight.html

Oh Robsten...

Regularly scheduled TwiHard Report later, but this just came across my path from backstage last night at the VMA's and it had to be shared.

A picture says a thousand words? Maybe. This one at the very least says "Oh hey Taylor, when'd you get here?"

Young love, sigh.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Official Third New Moon Trailer!!!

Official Third New Moon Trailer, HD


And...make sure to still tune in to the VMA's tonight, as the trailer they will be showing is reportedly longer and chock full of even more goodies!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

OMFG: Breaking TwiHard News

New 3rd New Moon Trailer For Those That GO NOW

Seriously...GO RIGHT NOW. I have goosebumps. I'm madly in love with Chris Weitz. For real.

I took down the link, because it keeps moving around as it's removed...but it's out there...and it's amazing

Addendum: My open letter to the powers that be...

Dear Summit,
How many times do I need to see "New Moon" in the theater before you throw money at Chris Weitz to direct (hopefully 2 movies worth of) "Breaking Dawn"? I'll see it twice that number of times. Make it so.

Yours in theory,

Glee-ful Tidbit!

I'm a full fledged gLeek. It's true. I love Glee so much it hurts. I thought I couldn't love Glee anymore than I already do. And then a friend sent me this picture. Matthew Morrison, aka Will Schuester. I don't know what it is, where it's from (although it's not a stretch to guess his days on Broadway) but WHO CARES!?!?

Oh hai there Mr. Schuester.

Yep. I know.


The kids over at http://www.newmoonmovie.org/, being as awesome as they are, just posted new(ish) treats!

New Edward, Bella & Alice promo pics


Friday TwiHard Report

The headache pressure behind my eyeballs is reaching critical mass, but I've been remiss with blogging the past few days, between slow news and full calendar, but now there is much to share, so here we go! Bloggity blog blog blog.

As previously mentioned, there is to be a new "New Moon" trailer making it's debut at the VMA's this weekend (and possibly before Sorority Row, which opens today?) and there are now details about what's included in that trailer. I will not spoil it for anyone that wants to be surprised, but for info freaks like me, NewMoonMovie.org has the goods from MTV. All I can say is SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. As soon as I'm done here I'm going to start counting the hours.

For everyone that watched this week's debut of "The Vampire Diaries" on the CW this week and thought "um..hi Twi-Lite", Twilight Examiner has writer Kevin Williamson's explanation of why TVD (I typed "The VD" first, got the giggles, and think TVD might be more appropriate) is not like Twilight...but how he plans on incorporating Twilight anyway. I watched and saw the similarity, but to be perfectly honest, I'd watch just for Ian Somerhalder being all smoking bad vampy. I'd probably watch if it were just Somerhalder sitting staring into the camera for an hour.

Instead of closing with the sad news, I'll rip the band-aid off and save a little salve for after. A new message popped up on StephenieMeyer.com this week regarding "Midnight Sun"...and how any spam ads you see offering you a chance to win a copy are just hoaxes.  Sigh Stephy....BIG SIGH. There is still a little room in my heart where the belief lives that Stephenie Meyer won't let her fans down, is over the original leak of this story, but is finishing it under dark of night to avoid any further leaks...that we just won't hear anything about it until it is ready for release. But that room is slowly being bricked closed, and I know we may just never get closure there (you can read the first 300 or so pages on Meyer's website, but I warn you, it's your heart). Meyer has spoken in the past that if she were to continue along the Twilight path, she would most likely write from a new perspective, such as Leah or Nessie (if you don't know who that is you need to keep reading and stop looking at my blog until you have). This got me thinking...who's story would YOU like to see? I would love to know what happens to Leah. We're introduced to her and just as soon as we start to feel for her, her story just sort of fades into the ether. What happens to her? Nessie would be great because we would still get to see glimpses of those Cullens we know and love.  I, for one, would most like to know more about Alice and Jasper. Their relationship seems most fated in the way of Edward and Bella but coming from far darker origins. Or, maybe a lesser character takes a starring role. Are there any secondary characters you're in love with? Personally, I have a weird attachment to Kate (of the Denali clan), and in turn, Kate and Garrett. I have no idea why I'm so fascinated with Kate, but I adore her. It could be the way she pushes Bella, is smart and strong and fiercely independent. Her history...and future...intrigues me. This also makes her the character I most nervous about seeing cast in "Breaking Dawn" because I have such a strong mental picture of what she looks like, and who she is.  Of course, there are also endless stories down the Volturi route as well.  Jane and Alec could be a book in themselves. So what about you? What would you read?

WOW, got wordy there...but it's been rolling around my head for some time now.  I promised salve. Balm for the festering wound left by an unfinished "Midnight Sun." How about some stills from the filming of Eclipse?

How about some Team Edward!
Team Jacob, I didn't forget about you!
More over at twilightscoop.com including a pic of Taylor and Kristen's stunt double that amuses me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday TwiHard Report

Let's address the 500 lb gorilla in the room shall we? It's been buzzing around today that there is a video of Robsten leaving a Bobby Long show in Vancouver the other night when some brain donor "fan" decides she just must call K Stew a bitch. Why? Good question. You camp out there for god knows how long just to hurl an insult? Has she offended you personally? Spread vile rumors about your mother? Or is it because she got the man who will never exist outside your imagination? Because THAT will be the thing that makes Rob realize the error of his ways and sweep you, deranged creepoid, off your feet? I tend to think you're just mental, and pretty much the picture perfect example of why I'd never want to be famous. Congrats, you got your 6 seconds of fame and everyone thinks your a douche for it. Mazel tov! In the end she gets the taste knocked out of her mouth by yet another fan as Robsten make a scramble for it anyway. That's all I have to say about that. If you simply must see this yourself here you go.

Enough with the czars of too far, here's some more pleasant multi-media Twi-Fun! Check out this clip of the first single from the "New Moon" Soundtrack, Death Cab For Cutie's "Meet Me On The Equinox." Sadly it looks like DCFC was not able to snag one of the almighty Twi-nity (Kristen, Rob, Taylor) for the vid, but I'm sure it will not disappoint. Just a reminder, the video will premiere this coming Sunday on the VMA's along with a new, promised to be more Robilicious, "New Moon" trailer. I'll also be tweeting along (@Bashville) with the awards as best I can after spending the day at Octoberfest. Let's see if I can once again break Twitter's max tweet rule. I'm a rebel like that.

In "Um....ok" News...someone thought a little Team Edward/Team Jacob rivalry was EXACTLY what their cornfield needed. No. Really:

In case you want to try your luck at wandering through the maze (I feel like there should be a Bella searching her way through her maze of feelings for Edward & Jacob somethingerother here...oh hey, there you go) and find yourself in the neighborhood of Syracuse, Utah here are the deets.

And should find yourself in a totally different hood on 11/16/09...say Los Angeles...at the Village and Bruin Theatres, you will probably find yourself in the midst of the screaming Twi-throngs as that is where and when EOnline is reporting the "New Moon" premiere will take place. Get in line now! No...don't. And for goodness sake don't call anyone names!

To make up for the harshness of my rant and the stupidity of one that reflects poorly on us all, I leave you this parting gift of a still shot from Rob Pattinson's "Haunted Airman."

You're welcome.

This week's playlist

Here's what made it to the On-The-Go list this week:

Aurora - Foo Fighters
Release - Timbaland (featuring Justin Timberlake)
Coldest Winter - Kanye West
Womanizer - Britney Spears
Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects
Filthy Gorgeous - Scissor Sisters
Guilty Pleasure - Cobra Starship
I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off - Fall Out Boy
Acoustic Alchemy - Norwegian Recycling
Throw And Go - Eli Young Band
Near To You - A Fine Frenzy

Told you there was no rhyme or reason for my taste.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Vampires, They're Everywhere!

I didn't want to call this a Twi-Hard report, because I had vamp-news from other fronts this time around.

To dig in immediately...for all you True Blood/Team Eric fans...LaineyGossip.com is reporting that Alexander Skarsgard is dating recent True Blood co-star Evan Rachel Wood. If Lainey says this comes from infallible source, I believe her. She's not one to throw out info to get it out first or...make it up...then hide behind some penises drawn on the victim of the week like...ahem...some gossipees. That, and she understands what a delectable little morsel Jackson Rathbone is...but more on that later. More on the Skarsgard/Wood coupling here.

In new-to-the-vamp-world news, I used my post-wedding incapacitation yesterday to catch up on the first season of the BBC's "Being Human." A vampire, a werewolf and a ghost living in a house together sounds like the setup for a joke your 8 year nephew just can't wait to tell you for the 5th time, but it's better, I promise. "Being Human" seizes the supernatural hotness of the moment without coming off as just a rip-off. All three are clinging desperately to the last of their humanity, trying to live in the human world, but the ghost doesn't know why she hasn't crossed over, the werewolf is a meek worrier who can't accept the beast as part of himself and the vampire is being persecuted by other vampires for his alternative lifestyle and his human/vamp love story has a much darker ending than Twilight or even True Blood. Don't worry though, one thing remains constant, the vamp is HOT. All but the first episode are currently available on-demand through BBC America.

Ok Twi-Hards, you've been patient, it's your turn! Picture time!

New "New Moon" promo pic of Nikki Reed/Rosalie Hale. Meh. Some of you have issues with the wigs, I kind of hate the contacts. I know they are the only practical solution, and in action they are fine, but in stills they always look like they aren't positioned quite right. I'll get over it.

A new Bella & Edward-centric "New Moon" poster has been released too. I don't understand how from every trailer and clip I've seen, "New Moon" looks so beautifully shot, and yet the posters are all so harsh. Of all the shots they took, the faces were the best in this? KStew and RPattz are prettier people than this. Tone the contour powder down a skotch or twelve.

This is what I'm talking about...see...film stills, beautiful! Soft, gorgeous and crackling with Robsten chemistry.

Back to my homage to LaineyGossip. She sees this and she GETS it. Jackson is the pocket pet of the Twilight cast. If you also feel like branching out your Twi-love tree a little, check out more Jackson Rathbone and the lovely Christian Serratos (Angela) over at LaineyGossip.com

Slackity Slack Slack

Yes, I've slacked the past few days...real life outweighed blogger land. Have no fear, I'll be back later with a little vampire fun for all, no matter which flavor you prefer...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesday TwiHard Report

You may have noticed the lack of a Tuesday TwiHard report. Well..sometimes wine happens...and let's just leave it at that. I chose coherence over consistency.

BUT I'M BACK! Just in time for this delicious little tidbit of New Moon business: MTV announced today, "Exclusive 'New Moon' Trailer To Premiere At 2009 MTV Video Music Awards" AND the "cast" (really just Rob, Kristen & Taylor, but that's the trifecta as it were) will be in attendance. The trailer is touted as an "expanded trailer", so I'm expecting a few new morsels tossed amongst things we've already seen. I'd be willing to bet this will include a little more shirtless Taylor or Rob, or if my prayers are answered...BOTH! It was previously announced that the first single from the "New Moon" soundtrack, Death Cab For Cutie's "Meet Me On The Equinox", will also be debuting online at mtv.com during the VMA's. Read the full MTV announcement...

In related news, Death Cab For Cutie wants Rob Pattinson for their "Meet Me On The Equinox" video. DCFC's Nick Harmer says, “I’m of the mind-set that the more Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner you can throw in the video, the more popular the video is going to be. Nobody wants to look at us, so we’ll probably be standing in the shadows.” Smart man. Coincidentally, I too would like Rob for MY video. Although, a much different kind...

Finally, if there isn't enough Twilight madness for you in this dimension, you will now be able to fill your virtual world with virtual New Moon merch! Habbo (which I'm clearly too old to know what this is), in conjunction with Summit Entertainment, are offering virtual Twi-goods for purchase to decorate your little Habbo habitat (I must again stress I really don't know what I'm talking about). If they add a virtual Edward, I promise to figure this out and get involved. PS...do they know they're using a fan made (albeit AWESOMELY fan made) poster for the article? Hmmm. Oh well.