I don't usually put these together on weekends, mostly because I used to send this out to coworkers. Now, it's a blog...and frankly I'm a little bored and avoiding cleaning anymore. My distraction is your gain :)

Kristen Stewart has emerged sans Joan Jett hair thanks to a fresh new Bella wig, just in time to shoot Eclipse's graduation scene. The wig seems to be a point of contention but my 2 cents is that it looks a heck of a lot better than extensions would (think of the horror of a weave gone Britney-bad) and Nikki Reed was forced to switch to a wig for the filming of "New Moon" because the chemical process was too damaging for her hair. At the end of the day, I'd rather have wigged Twilighters than bald Twilighters. It's also nearly impossible to tell from a one off camera shot how anything will look all spiced up on film. Gripe all you want but when "Eclipse" comes out, it will all be rapture and roses all over again. Plus we still get Rob's gorgeous mop in all it's glory.
While on the topic of the graduation scene, there are a few more shots of the filming, thanks to

In "this could never happen in the U.S. because the screaming would never stop" news, Sabrina Frank won Germany's "Mission Hollywood" TV show/contest, the grand prize being a role in "Eclipse." Frank will play Vera, Rosalie's friend who happens to be the only person Rosalie is ever jealous of, for her husband, home and most importantly, child. It is Vera's house Rosalie is walking from when she is attacked and Vera's son whom Rosalie is reminded of when she finds and saves Emmett. Congrats Sabrina! Quite the prize!

"Eclipse" is all over the place this weekend, in part to director David Slade's tweets from the set (@DAVID_A_SLADE). While most tweets are location pics, and the occasional stunt salmon, he recently posted this pic of Taylor Lautner while doing lighting tests. There is a reason these kids are movie stars.
Finally, I want to share a gift tweeted to me by the utterly fab host of
ROBsessed. The name says it all. It's one of RPattz's 2009 ComicCon portraits. I've posted it as a small image, because trust me when I say, the original is HUGE. AND GLOOOOOOOOOORIOUS. Just click on it for all it's giant, HQ splendor!
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