Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I don't want to be a creeper. I've withheld all comments on the matter, even when my brain has started creaking under the weight of them. Because of previous events, I feel even a little protective of him.


I'm human. A human female who's mind spends the better part of the day in the gutter anyway. So this effort will go a lot more smoothly IF YOU STOP. PUTTING. THINGS. LIKE. THIS. IN. FRONT. OF. MY. EYEBALLS!!!!!!!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go say the rosary and cry now.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Open Every Door Expecting An Intervention

Between last Wednesday at 7 p.m. and Friday at 5 p.m., I saw New Moon 3 times. Somehow it doesn't seem as scary now that several days have passed without seeing it. Don't get it twisted though, I know I'll falter and go back.

To better cope, I've tried to shift my focus to Eclipse's release, which I expect the media blitz to start for any day now. I've added a countdown clock to my page. Yes, I really did.

It's good to have goals.

Actually, I could probably use this:

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yep. I Saw It.

I have seen the promised land known as New Moon. I bought tickets to see it opening night but the gods smiled upon me and saw fit to give me screening passes to see it a full night early. Those same gods were clearly shining on me when I got the chance to grab a seat in the theater before the masses were let up (lesson: it's good to know people). I plopped myself in the middle of lower row, ensconsing my self in ooey gooey vamp wolf goodness. Now, if you've read the books, you clearly know the premise of the movie and any spoilers going in and after the media onslaught, who DOESN'T know Jacob turns into a wolf? There's a good reason for that though. Now, having seen New Moon, the movie can really be summed up in three words: Oh hai Jacob!

New Moon is Jacob's story and the movie is Taylor Lautner's to run away with and he does just that. I admit the first few passes through the book I hated Jacob. I thought he was whiny, annoying and just plain in the way of my beloved Edward and Bella. Twilight, the movie, started to change that. I reread the books with more sympathy for Jacob. If there were any lingering hard feelings, New Moon dispels them. Taylor Lautner's Jacob is extremely likable and funny. The entire movie had more funny moments than I expected, but more on that later. The first time Jacob appears on screen (fully clothed), the reaction was audible and far stronger than I expected. And then there is the rest of Jacob. The physically changed Jacob. Yes, it's awkward to think about Taylor Lautner only being 17 but...DAMN. I'll leave it at that but there were a whole lot of slackjawed women (and a few men, let's be honest) in the audience. Jacob and Bella's interactions are the best part of this movie. Yes, Edward and Bella up the steamy kiss level a few notches, but Bella and Jacob are easy together. It makes it that much easier to feel Jacob's frustration. To the point where a woman in front of me yelled "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM" at Bella during one scene. All in all, I can't imagine anyone BUT Taylor Lautner as Jacob.

The special effects also surprised me in that they were better than I expected. The scenes with the wolves actually made me jump several times. Although it could also be my standards were lowered so far by Twilight and actors being yanked around on strings that I am not seeing things clearly but I think they were actually good. Maybe.  Let's say yes.

The secondary characters like Charlie, Jessica and Mike are featured far less in New Moon, but they get some of the better lines in the movie. Their characters act as a further mood lightener for what could have been one heck of an emo-fest. The Volturi also bring something new to the Twi-table. Made up of arguably the best actors of the bunch, the Volturi manage to convey more by saying less. Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning are deliciously evil.

All the Team Edward TwiHards don't have to worry, this isn't Edward's movie but even though his absence is the key to this story, you get enough RPattz magic sprinkled in to keep you satisfied. You're might also want to bring a cool beverage for a few of the kissing scenes, because they do not disappoint. Whew! The lack of a reaction to Edward's emergence from the clocktower surprised me though. Jacob got a bigger audience cheer by far. I'm curious to see if that changes tonight.

Then there is the end. Oh, the end. I will not spoil anything but I'll say they make it impossible to NOT want to see Eclipse immediately. Cinematic blue balls. That's all I'll say. Some folks hated it, I LOVED it and can't wait to watch everyone else watch it tonight.

Speaking of hate...I have heard from a few people that were disappointed in the movie. Everyone seems to have a scene or line they wish had made it but to those that want the book translated word for word, scene for scene, you've got to let it go. A 600+ page book just can not be made into a 2 hour movie, they've got to keep it moving. Edward and Bella staring at each other over a table might equal fantastic tension in the book but watching them stare at each other for 20 minutes real time would make even the TwiHardiest crack. If I want to watch people stare at each other, I'll watch The Hills.

There you go, just my thoughts on the matter. I can't wait to see it again tonight...and maybe I'll see you there. Don't throw things at me.

Remember Me Trailer. Oh Yes.

Remember Me

Trailer Park | MySpace Video

We get to watch Rob slam things around AND nekkid? I'm in. Sign me up. Good God yes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordle: Like Crack, But Socially Acceptable

I am blaming twitter and @jbomb11 for introducing me to Wordle I've been sucked in. OOH OOH but look what I made for you from the words in my blog!

Fine, maybe it's the web equivilant of a pencil holder made from popsicle sticks I made you for Mother's Day but I think it's neat, so take a page from my mom's handbook and say thank you, gush over it a little and I'll be on to the next thing. She knows what she's doing, she's been dealing with me for years.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Here Is My New Moon Premiere Coverage

I'm here at the New Moon Premiere blah blah red carpet coverage blah blah asking Kristen blah blah asking Rob blah blah Taylor blah blah questions blah blah Robsten? Eclipse? Screaming fans blah blah, it's crazy! What about Breaking Dawn? Yadda yadda yadda and so on.

See. I don't even have to be there.

I wish I could watch all the coverage simultaneously because I would create a new drinking game where I had to take a drink every time any of the cast members were asked the same question and 2 drinks every time an extraneous cast member was asked about Rob or Kristen. I figure before they even all got in to the theater I'd be passed out until I can see the movie for myself on Wednesday.

11/16/09 Earworms

Everyone else is posting about vampires, so I'd rather post about music. So there. Nyah.

This week in the "try it, you'll like it" bin:

Rogue Wave - "Harmonium"
Heavy on the instrumentals, makes you just want to ride off into the sunset

Serena Ryder - "All For Love"
This song is just begging to be a love theme on one of the CW's lineup

Norah Jones - "Man Of The Hour"
"It's him or me, that's what he said, but I can't choose between a vegan and a pothead. So I chose you because you're sweet and you give me lots of lovin' and you eat meat" Love it. It gets better when you realize what she's really singing about.

A Fine Frenzy - "Electric Twist"
I've said it before, I love a clap along song.

Mutemath - "Lost Year"
I can't get enough of Mutemath's latest cd, "Armistice". I think I've earwormed nearly every track so far.

Cross Canadian Ragweed - "My Chances"
More acoustic and melodic than I'm used to out of CCR, almost a Billy Joel feel to it, but it works

The Epilogues - "Hurting You"
If you like Meese and Mutemath, you're just about guaranteed to like The Epilogues. I can't believe these guys are unsigned.

Blur - "Tender"
The "13" cd was recently resurrected on my iPod, I forgot how much I adore this song, all 7+ minutes of it

"Oh Crap" Addendum: So I realized I had actually started another list before this one. So I might as well tack it on here. Because where one is good, twenty seven is always better

Tesla - "Love Song"
"Five Man Acoustical Jam" always brings me back to my rocker girl days. I want to put on my thigh high boots and leggings and flick a lighter.

Will Hoge - "Even If It Breaks Your Heart"
Which is exactly what this song does, breaks my heart "Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart"

Jon McLaughlin - "Beautiful Disaster"
I've had this promo cd sitting around forever and finally ripped it in to my iTunes on a whim and I adore this song "she would trade anything for happy ever after"

Passion Pit - "Moth's Wings"
Just discovering Passion Pit, I love the very distintive vocals and BIG production on this song. Another movie-like song. I have more imaginary soundtracks than most movie houses.

ABBA - "The Winner Takes It All"
This song caught me in a sentimental moment. I love ABBA. Don't judge.

Allie Moss - Corner
Soft vocals, reminiscent of A Fine Frenzy. Pretty song and sometimes I just like a pretty song.

The All American Rejects - "I Wanna"
It might not make me cool, but The All American Rejects make damn catchy pop rock songs

Adele - "That's It, I Quit, I'm Moving On"
Adele is perfectly suited for covering a blues track, and done acoustically like this, it's perfection

Ok, that's it. For now. Maybe. Who knows.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Twi-Morsel

I know, I know, I know...I've been quiet. I just go back to from Nashville and honestly I'm so wound up about seeing New Moon next week, I haven't been posting every time one of the TwiKids pops up because it would be a full time job and frankly there are a lot of people that do it better.

HOWEVER, this was just brought to my attention, thanks to Twilight Saga News, allegedly (from the lips of Summit themselves, but still, never know 100% until it happens) a teaser trailer for Eclipse will be showing before New Moon.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Nashville: Prepare Thyself!

It will be quiet around these parts for the next few days...I'm off to Nashville for CMA Week! (ok, a portion of CMA week, but who's counting)

I tend to end up in the strangest places, so you never know what I might find blogworthy down there. But if you miss me too much, I'll be tweeting all I can (@Bashville) and all the best stuff goes to my personal twitter ;) I also have a tendency to live tweet award shows too, so you never know!

Wish me luck! Pray for the city of Nashville.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday TwiHard Report: New Moon Musical Spoilers

In this world, there are music people and non music people. Non music people might like music but can mostly take it or leave it. For music people, music is as much a part of daily life as food, water or even air for the most enthusiastic diehards. I consider myself one of the music people…in case you haven’t noticed by the amount I blog about it. For this reason, the soundtrack to New Moon was every bit as important to me as the movie itself. The Twilight Saga films are doing an excellent job of using music as an integral part of the films, as crucial to setting the mood as the sets and lighting and while New Moon is not yet out in theaters, the soundtrack has been out since mid October. I imagine there were many other musical TwiHards out there that couldn’t wait to immerse themselves in the new music and let’s be honest, obsess, over the various tracks’ part in the movie.

If you were lucky enough to catch a peek of the full Edward/Bella breakup scene before it was pulled, it was revealed that Bon Iver & St. Vincent’s “Rosyln” is the backing track for that wrenching scene but so far, no other clips have offered any more than snippets of the score. That is until I read Ann Donahue’s article in the 10/31/09 issue of Billboard magazine, “’New Moon’ Rising”.

In the article, Donahue offers several tempting, spoiler-ish morsels:

“In considering the second single “Two contenders for the next single slot are Lykke Li’s ‘Possiblilty,’ which is the longest musical take in the movie and played over a pivotal scene in the film as Bella pines for Edward…”

In reference to the New Moon score composer Alexandre Desplat’s “The Meadow” : “There is a central love theme for Bella and Edward, but Chris (Weitz) felt that we didn’t want to put that out front because in the film Bella and Edward are separated through much of it,” Desplat says. “You don’t hear that theme in its full treatment until the end of the movie. For the soundtrack album it’s an arrangement of that melody but just for the piano.”

Finally, from New Moon director Chris Weitz: “The one song that does play in full during the film, he says, is (Thom) Yorke’s “Hearing Damage,” which underscores a fight scene.

Spoiler or not, it makes me all the more eager to see how all the tracks correspond with scenes in the movie. Thankfully, I am just under a week away from seeing just that.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pardon The Interruption


That said, back to faking being an adult-type person. Please try to control your chuckles and keep your eyerolling to a minimum.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You Thought I Was Exaggerating

I'm not. They're after me.


Over the last week or so, I've received several emails from various stores and newsletters touting denim leggings as the hot new thing. No...really. Have you seen these?

This is one of those instances when I feel like the fashion powers-that-be are sitting around on thrones on  Fashion Island dreaming up new, fresh levels of hell to unleash upon us. "Shoulder pads? No...saving those for next year, how about bringing acid wash back...maybe tightrolling? WAIT! IT'S GENIUS! ACID WASHED DENIM LEGGINGS!" 

They are so ugly, so impossible to wear, it's diabolical.  I was just starting to make my peace with regular leggings and you guys go and spring these on me. I just can't do it. I can't let my friends do it. I dare say I can't even allow my enemies to do it, if only because I would still have to SEE them.

If you are going to try and triple dog dare the world in to wearing these, can you spare some of the bleach from all the acid washing and apply it directly to my eyes?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

On The 8th Day, He Created Rob

Just as I was starting to fret about having nothing to blog about because I've been so distracted the past few days that all the info I had went stale, the heavens parted and tiny cherubs slid down a sunbeam and delivered the new issue of Vanity Fair and His most perfect creation, Rob...

I will only post one, and push you over to Thinking of Rob for the rest of the untagged glory since I am in no way responsible for this thin slice of heaven and TOB presented them so nicely.

It seems fitting that these would appear, almost miraculously, on a Sunday since they take my ass to church and make me fall to my knees and give a prayer of thanks:

Dear God, on behalf of my sisters and brothers (who are also sisters), thank you for giving our eyes, if not our loins, the gift of Rob Pattinson. Heavenly high five on this one.